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Jay Green    
Another LInk in The Chain Activity July 1st
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Classmates: As many of you know, we are already actively engaged in our Another Link in the Chain (ALITC) program. We are meeting with candidate Mids and their parents at 40 pre I-Day send-off events across the country sponsored by local parents clubs or Alumni Assoc Chapters. On July 1, I-Day, we have two activities associated with 2014 and one just for us old guys. These are the two official activities. First: from 1030-1230 we will co-sponsor with the AA a picnic for the parents, families, and friends of the prospective Mids. This will be on Worden Field (parade field) across from Alumni Hall. There will be a tent, and we will have a table identifying '64 so the parents can seek us out. We'll mix and mingle, and I will make a short address to the gathered masses. We have 40 of our classmates who will participate. With wives, etc., we'll have a big crowd. No preparation required! Second: At 1800 we will have designated seating at the Oath of Office ceremony, hopefully outdoors in Tecumseh Court. After the Oath, all of us '64ers will gather on Stribling Walk at the Mexican Monument and make our cell phones available to Mids without parents to make a quick call home.

Bill and I have decided that we will conduct an unofficial ceremony prior to the Oath in Memorial Hall. We will be following in the footsteps of '62 and '63, who have done this the last two I-Days. We'll gather in Mem Hall about 1600. About 1615, I'll ask everyone to fall into ranks and proceed to take a formal muster. In addition to those who I know are there, I will call the names of each of our classmates whose names are inscribed on the walls of the Hall (death in combat)and the names of each of our classmates whose deaths have been confirmed to be the result of Agent Orange exposure from their Vietnam Service. One of our classmates will respond for each of them with an appropriate response. Then I will turn the event over to the President of '61, who will re-administer the Midshipman's Oath to all of us. From discussions with my counterparts from '62 and '63, this has been a very emotional event for all who participated. After all of this and the official Oath to the Mids, we plan on gathering at Harry Browne's on State Circle for a no-host class dinner. Uniform for our ceremony will be blue sport coat, Khakis, and a blue and gold tie (any variety).

If you would like to join us for a real walk down memory lane, please let me know.

Best to all,

Jay Green
18 Bancroft Ave
Annapolis, MD 21403
410 295-1678